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Wayne Pediatrics Physician Appointed to Michigan Committee on Juvenile Justice
On August 2, 2022, Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed Executive Order No. 2022-7.
"Executive Order No. 2022-7 abolishes the current Michigan Committee on Juvenile Justice created by Executive Order No. 2017-12 and recreates the committee in alignment with the requirements of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act. Under the executive order, the committee is tasked with the development and review of the state’s juvenile justice plan. Following the release of recommendations from governor’s Juvenile Justice Reform Task Force, the new Michigan Committee on Juvenile Justice will include a tribal representative and increases representation of community-based services and supports for young people."
Of the many talented individuals appointed to the committee, our own Dr. Laura Benjamins has accepted a three year term, starting August 2, 2022 and running through August 2, 2025.
Read the full press release here.